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Moritzburg Academy with 36 young musicians from 17 countries

The sun shines on Moritzburg Castle, the former hunting lodge of the Wettin dynasty near Dresden / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The sun shines on Moritzburg Castle, the former hunting lodge of the Wettin dynasty near Dresden / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

This year, the Moritzburg Festival Academy brings together 36 young musicians from 17 countries. They not only form the Moritzburg Festival Orchestra under the direction of its chief conductor Josep Caballé Domenech, but also perform at the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Dresden Kulturpalast and the König Albert Theater in Bad Elster, as the Moritzburg Festival announced on Wednesday. Young musicians will also be taking part in the festival in Moritzburg and the surrounding area, for example at the Proschwitz Music Picnic on August 11.

The Moritzburg Festival Academy, under the artistic direction of violinist Mira Wang, has been an integral part of the Moritzburg Festival for Chamber Music since it was founded in 2006. The participants are selected in an international competition and perform in chamber music ensembles and as the Moritzburg Festival Orchestra under the guidance of experienced festival musicians. Thanks to sponsors and private sponsorships, all academy participants in Moritzburg receive a full scholarship. A sponsorship for a young musician costs 1000 euros, potential sponsors can contact the Moritzburg Festival team at any time.

The 32nd Moritzburg Festival will take place from August 2 to 18, 2024.

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