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RB Leipzig plans sales worth 250 million euros

Leipzig player Dani Olmo on the ball / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Leipzig player Dani Olmo on the ball / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

RB Leipzig is also planning on transfer income in the coming summer break following the squad upheaval last summer with sales amounting to around 250 million euros.

RB Leipzig is also planning on transfer income in the coming summer break following the squad upheaval last summer with sales amounting to around 250 million euros. However, not at the same level as last year. "The pillar of transfer income is important for us and will remain important for us in the future. But there will certainly not be another upheaval in the summer on the same scale as in 2023," said managing director Johann Plenge.

At the training camp in La Manga, Spain, the club boss made it clear that RB are not planning to necessarily sell their star Dani Olmo. "There is no compulsion to sell this one player. It has something to do with who is fit at the moment and how the market is developing," said the 38-year-old. "He has a brutally high reputation with us, is one of the difference players par excellence and has a contract with us. We give him appreciation, which he has earned."

The Spanish international Olmo is being reintegrated into team training in La Manga and is already able to take part in large parts of the training sessions. The 25-year-old could be back in the squad against Eintracht Frankfurt (13 January). Olmo is still under contract in Leipzig until 2027, but reportedly has an exit clause for next summer.

Routine player Kevin Kampl and defender Mohamed Simakan were seen on the pitch for the first time in morning training on Friday after suffering from infections, but did very limited individual training. Leipzig will play a test match against Swiss first division runners-up FC St. Gallen on Saturday (3pm).

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