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Basketball trio leaves Niners Chemnitz

Kaza Kajami-Keane from Chemnitz in action / Photo: Matthias Stickel/dpa
Kaza Kajami-Keane from Chemnitz in action / Photo: Matthias Stickel/dpa

Three key players are leaving the Saxon Bundesliga club. Ongwae's next stop is still unknown.

With point guard Kaza Kajami-Keane and defensive specialists Dominic Lockhart and Tylor Ongwae, a trio is leaving the Saxon basketball Bundesliga club Niners Chemnitz. The semi-finalists of the past season made the announcement on Saturday. "Dominic, Kaza and Tylor were very important parts of our team, both athletically and personally, and will go down in our club's history forever as members of the team that won the Europe Cup, our first title ever," said Niners' Managing Director Steffen Herhold.

Kajami-Keane signed with the up-and-coming Serbian club KK Spartak Subotica, with whom he will take part in the Champions League qualifiers and could even meet Chemnitz later on. Lockhart is joining Bundesliga rivals Rostock-Seawolfes, while Ongwae's next stop is still unknown. Together, the three hoopsters played a total of 190 competitive games for Chemnitz.

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