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Clubs awarded prizes for the first time at the Popular Music Competition in Saxony

People dancing in a club / Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa/Symbolic image
People dancing in a club / Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa/Symbolic image

26 award winners in five categories, including clubs for the first time. A total of 70,000 euros in prize money was awarded.

In addition to soloists, bands, shows, projects and ideas, clubs have also been awarded prizes for the first time in this year's Popular Music in Saxony competition. 26 winners were chosen in five categories in Mittweida on Thursday, as announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Dresden. Accordingly, 143 applications were received for the second edition of the competition. For clubs and music venues, the "night-time economy" category was awarded for the first time. Prize money totaling 70,000 euros was available.

The winners were "a figurehead for Saxony's music industry", said Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Dulig (SPD) according to the press release. "With their projects, they make our lives richer; they entertain us, make us think and open up new perspectives." And they are employers, attract guests to the regions and revitalize city centres. His wish for the future is that "together we can further increase this potential and strengthen Saxony as an important location for popular music".

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