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Renovation of the Käthe Kollwitz House Moritzburg supported with state funds

The baroque courtyard of the Käthe Kollwitz Haus am Schlossteich / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
The baroque courtyard of the Käthe Kollwitz Haus am Schlossteich / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The foundation receives 100,000 euros for urgent building measures and the expansion of the memorial to Käthe Kollwitz.

The Käthe Kollwitz Haus Moritzburg Foundation is receiving 100,000 euros from state funds for the restoration of the place where the famous artist once lived and died. The money will be used to fund urgent construction work at the Rüdenhof and honor the memory of the "great graphic artist and sculptor". According to the Ministry of Culture, among other things, an archive is to be created that meets the requirements of museum preservation. In addition, the exhibition space will be expanded and the building services renewed. The total renovation costs of around 140,500 euros will also be co-financed by the cultural area and the municipality.

The 18th century Rüdenhof is reportedly the only surviving house in which Kollwitz (1867-1945), who was born in Königsberg, lived. Prince Ernst Heinrich, a son of the last Saxon king and a connoisseur of her art, had made two rooms available to Kollwitz, who fled Berlin in 1943. Her stay lasted nine months, from July 20, 1944 until her death on April 22, 1945. Since 1995, the memory of Kollwitz has been kept alive there under the direction of a foundation - with works, writings and memorabilia as well as events.

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