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New museum director wants to tighten the network in the surrounding area

"Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz" is written on the entrance door to the museum on Theaterplatz in Chemnitz / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
"Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz" is written on the entrance door to the museum on Theaterplatz in Chemnitz / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The future head of the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Florence Thurmes, wants to strengthen democratic work and tighten networks in the surrounding area. Her aim is to break down barriers to the museum and appeal to younger generations, said the 42-year-old in Chemnitz on Monday. In terms of a democratic museum, the "Open Space" in the center is already an exhibition and event venue where different groups can come together. However, she looks beyond the city limits and spoke of a dense museum landscape in the region. Collaboration could lead to joint educational programs on various topics.

The art historian is due to take up the position of General Director at the beginning of 2024. She succeeds Frédéric Bußmann, who has moved to the Staatliche Kunsthalle in Karlsruhe. Thurmes is returning to Saxony from Dortmund - in the past, she worked at the Dresden State Art Collections. At the same time, she will lead the Chemnitz museum into the Capital of Culture year. Exhibitions are then planned on Edvard Munch and self-taught artists, for example. "The program is already set," she emphasized. However, she wants to see whether further ideas can be added.

Thurmes praised the density and scope of the Chemnitz collections. This means that any topic can be dealt with. She was a big fan of the works of Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. The expressionist was born in what is now the Rottluff district of Chemnitz. His childhood home is currently being renovated there. It is to be revived as a museum by the Capital of Culture year 2025.

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