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Dresden women's volleyball team celebrates third away win

The Dresdner SC women's volleyball team celebrated its third away win in a row / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild
The Dresdner SC women's volleyball team celebrated its third away win in a row / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild

The Dresdner SC women's volleyball team celebrated its third away win in a row. After the successes in Wiesbaden and Münster, the six-time German champion also prevailed 3:1 (25:17, 19:25, 25:21, 25:18) at the Red Ravens Vilsbiburg on Saturday.

The 1200 spectators witnessed a contested match with many long rallies. After the protégés of DSC coach Alexander Waibl had decided the first set clearly for itself, the thread was lost immediately at the beginning of the second passage something, because too many inaccuracies crept in. So the Red Ravens were able to equalize.

In the third and fourth sets, however, the Elbe city girls acted more consistently again, with more determination and countered the offensive power of Vilsbiburg with a good block and field defense. Led by captain Jennifer Janiska, who was also named DSC's most valuable player, Waibl's charges also developed the necessary pressure in serving and attacking in the decisive moments. In the difficult moments, DSC kept their composure and after 98 minutes, the guests converted the second match point for a deserved victory.

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