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Ibug street art festival expects up to 10,000 visitors

The artist Dani Hache from Gran Canaria has immortalized himself with two works on the site of the former Muskator plant. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The artist Dani Hache from Gran Canaria has immortalized himself with two works on the site of the former Muskator plant. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Every summer, the Ibug street art festival transforms an industrial wasteland into a temporary art exhibition. This time, the artists are coming to Riesa.

The organizers are expecting up to 10,000 visitors to the Ibug street art festival this year. If there are 8,000, there is no need to worry about the costs, said Ibug board member Martin Langhof in Riesa, where the festival is being held this year.

Artists from all over the world have been creating graffiti, installations, sculptures and multimedia art in the former Muskator factories since August 9. Part of the site - the former boiler house of the factory - will subsequently be used as an art gallery.

Still looking for helpers

The festival site opens on two weekends - from August 30 to September 1 and from September 6 to 9. Ibug is being held for the 19th time. It transforms industrial wastelands into temporary art exhibitions. Advance ticket sales have already begun, but helpers are still being sought, according to the organizers.

Last year, the festival stopped off in Leipzig - and set a record with almost 20,000 visitors over three event weekends. This year, the organizers are expecting fewer visitors due to the shorter duration.

The 20th anniversary edition of Ibug is set to take place in Chemnitz next year. In 2026, the festival is then planned to return to Riesa to use the rest of the Muskator site there, according to reports.

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