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Nina Chuba: First earned money invested in teddy bear and piano

Singer Nina Chuba at the Juicy Beats 2023 music festival / Photo: Christoph Reichwein/dpa/Archivbild
Singer Nina Chuba at the Juicy Beats 2023 music festival / Photo: Christoph Reichwein/dpa/Archivbild

The Hamburg singer Nina Chuba tells how she invested her first money in a teddy bear and a piano as a young actress and now concentrates on music.

Hamburg singer Nina Chuba invested her first self-earned money in a teddy bear and a piano. "I can remember it very clearly. I bought a cuddly toy with my first money for 20 euros at "Build a Bear". And I still have it today. That's Lilly-Lotta. And she's still in my life," the 25-year-old told the German Press Agency in Hamburg. The money she earned as a young actress for the ARD series "Die Pfefferkörner" was also enough for her second hobby: "And then I bought a piano when I was seven. Just like that, with my own money. Yes, that was very cool." She had already played the piano before. She really enjoyed being able to practise better with the new instrument. "It was nice to have such a good piano and play a bit."

Now, she is particularly interested in music. She no longer wants to be in front of the camera. "I never say never. I'm kind of up for it, but I've really moved further and further away from acting and this scene." She likes being able to make her own decisions and not being dependent on others and their opinions. "I just want to do my thing. And I don't think I could be so subordinate in the long run."

Nina Chuba starts her open-air tour through Germany on June 21 in Dresden. On August 25, she will perform at the Trabrennbahn in Hamburg. She is currently working on her second album. The singles "Nina" and "80qm" have recently been released. According to her own figures, she has sold 1.7 million records to date, her music videos have been viewed millions of times and she has more than 860,000 followers on Tiktok.

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