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Handball player Willy Weyhrauch ends his career at ThSV Eisenach

A handball lies on the floor with the Handball Bundesliga (HBL) logo behind it. / Photo: David Inderlied/dpa
A handball lies on the floor with the Handball Bundesliga (HBL) logo behind it. / Photo: David Inderlied/dpa

Right winger Willy Weyhrauch from handball Bundesliga club ThSV Eisenach is ending his career after this season in order to concentrate on his family and career in Magdeburg.

The right winger from handball Bundesliga club ThSV Eisenach, Willy Weyhrauch, is ending his career after this season. As the club announced on Thursday, the 30-year-old wants to concentrate on his family and career in his adopted home of Magdeburg. Managing director René Witte said: "This is a bitter loss, a big blow for us."

Weyhrauch came to Eisenach from Füchse Berlin in 2016 and has been the Wartburgstädter's longest-serving player ever since. With ThSV, he first achieved promotion to the 2nd Bundesliga and then to the top flight last season.

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