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Leipzig's women lose clearly in Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg's Alexandra Popp (r) and Leipzig's Jenny Hipp fight for the ball / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Wolfsburg's Alexandra Popp (r) and Leipzig's Jenny Hipp fight for the ball / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Leipzig suffered the expected defeat at VfL Wolfsburg and are therefore unable to make any further progress in the table.

The RB Leipzig women's team suffered another defeat after three unbeaten games. The Bundesliga club lost 4-0 (0-2) at second-placed VfL Wolfsburg. Marina Hegering (24th minute), Jule Brand (40th, 89th) and Sveindis Jonsdottir (56th) scored for Wolfsburg.

The Leipzig team were clearly inferior to the Wolves throughout the game. After a corner from Svenja Huth, RB keeper Elvira Herzog jumped over the ball so that Marina Hegering only had to tap in. Jule Brand followed up on Alexandra Popp's assist in the 40th minute. The Wolves could have led by a much larger margin at the break, but they missed several chances. In the 55th minute, the move that had led to 2:0 was repeated, but Jule Brand missed another great chance. Just a few seconds later, however, Sveindis Jonsdottir scored the winner (56'). Shortly before the end, Jule Brand scored the final goal.

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