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New signing at FC Erzgebirge Aue: Maxim Burghardt receives contract until 2027

Aue's sports director Matthias Heidrich stands on the field after the match / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
Aue's sports director Matthias Heidrich stands on the field after the match / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

Third-division soccer club FC Erzgebirge Aue has signed defender Maxim Burghardt and given him a contract until 2027.

Third-division soccer club FC Erzgebirge Aue has signed defender Maxim Burghardt. As the club announced on Thursday, the 19-year-old has signed a contract until 2027. The full-back most recently played for Eintracht Trier in the Oberliga.

"We have looked intensively at this interesting player, who has all the prerequisites for the 3rd division and a promising development," said Head of Sport Matthias Heidrich. Burghardt played 34 games for Trier in his first year with the club and scored three goals and provided seven assists.

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