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RB Leipzig wants to terminate contract with manager Max Eberl only against payment of a transfer fee

Max Eberl, Leipzig's ex-sport director, arrives at the stadium before the match / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Max Eberl, Leipzig's ex-sport director, arrives at the stadium before the match / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

RB Leipzig demands about five million euros transfer fee if Max Eberl wants to work for a new club

RB Leipzig wants to terminate the contract with the released manager Max Eberl only against payment of a transfer fee. According to dpa information, the Saxons demand about five million euros, should the 50-year-old want to work for a new club. RB and Eberl have agreed on this. This would clear the way for Eberl to join FC Bayern, where he could start work in December. At first, Sky had reported this. Concrete negotiations between Eberl and the Bavarians had not yet given it according to the transmitter.

Bayerns sport director Christoph friend held itself on Monday regarding a possible future co-operation with Eberl covered. "That's not my decision," replied the 45-year-old Austrian before the departure of the German soccer champion to the Champions League match at FC Copenhagen to the question of whether he could imagine forming a sporting dual leadership with Eberl.

Eberl had been released last Friday by the Leipzig bosses. The responsible persons accused the former functionary of Borussia Monchengladbach of missing commitment to the club. It is no secret that Eberl has long been a preferred candidate of Bayern's honorary president Uli Hoeneß. He had gone through the entire youth at FC Bayern as a player and played a Bundesliga game for the Munich side in 1991.

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