Geschwister-Scholl-Grundschule Leipzig in the final round for the German School Award 2024
The school management of Geschwister-Scholl-Grundschule in Leipzig is proud to have made it to the final round of the German School Award 2024.
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The school management of Geschwister-Scholl-Grundschule in Leipzig is proud to have made it to the final round of the German School Award 2024.
The dramaturge and artistic director Nele Hertling has been awarded the Berlin Theater Prize. The jury said on Thursday that Hertling has been transforming Berlin for 60 years.
German actress Sandra Hüller ("Toni Erdmann") has won the Gilde Film Prize. The 45-year-old was awarded the honorary prize, as announced by AG Kino - Gilde Deutscher Filmkunsttheater at the close of the Leipzig Film Art Fair on Thursday. "The Theory of Everything" by director Timm Kroeger made the r ..