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Chemnitz wants to position itself as European Capital of Culture 2025

Stefan Schmidtke (l), Managing Director of "European Capital of Culture 2025 GmbH" and Sven Schulze (SPD), Mayor of Chemnitz, talk / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB/Archivbild
Stefan Schmidtke (l), Managing Director of "European Capital of Culture 2025 GmbH" and Sven Schulze (SPD), Mayor of Chemnitz, talk / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB/Archivbild

Chemnitz is gearing up for its role as European Capital of Culture 2025 and is expecting an intensive year of work to define the program and make it visible. Numerous events are being planned and the city is preparing for many international guests.

Chemnitz wants to focus more on its role as European Capital of Culture 2025 this year. Mayor Sven Schulze (SPD) told the German Press Agency that he expects an intensive year of work in which the program will be finalized and the Capital of Culture will become more visible. This includes participation in many trade fairs and congresses as well as visits abroad. The city must also prepare itself for many international guests. This includes bilingualism in signage and gastronomy. "We want to be good hosts."

The future visitor center in a former factory hall is due to open in spring. Numerous events are also planned. For example, the "Kosmos" festival will be revived in summer and the baton of the Capital of Culture will be passed from Bad Ischl in Austria to Saxony in September with the European Peace Ride by bike. At the end of the year, Chemnitz museums will open their first exhibitions, building a bridge to the Capital of Culture year. It is scheduled to open on January 18, 2025. Around 2 million visitors are then expected over the course of the year.

The Capital of Culture offers the city and region a unique opportunity to show the world what it has to offer, emphasized Culture Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU). "In addition, the Capital of Culture opens up the opportunity to bring the most diverse parts of society back into conversation with each other through art and culture." She hopes that this will increase mutual understanding in the city and region, but also between East and West in Germany and Europe, and that clichés and prejudices will be broken down, she told dpa. The aim is to provide new impetus for Chemnitz and the surrounding area that will have an impact beyond 2025.

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