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Latest news about economy in Saxony Dresden Leipzig Chemnitz

News about economy in Saxony. Current news and message of companies in Saxonia, Dresden, Chemnitz and Leipzig.

The Ifo Institute in Dresden believes that the public sector is inadequately prepared for demographic change (symbolic image). / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Ifo criticizes public sector as inefficient

In times of skills shortages, the public sector is in competition with the private sector. The Ifo Institute in Dresden is now sharply criticizing it as inefficient and not very digitalized.

Passage under Dresden's Carola Bridge completely closed to ships. (archive picture) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Elbe in Dresden closed to shipping again

Over the past three weeks, several barges have passed the partially destroyed Dresden Carola Bridge on the Elbe by prior arrangement. Shipping companies and ports breathed a sigh of relief after months of closure.

In 2024, the state inherited less often, but the income from so-called fiscal inheritances in Saxony increased. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Jens Büttner/zb/dpa

More income from inheritances for the country

If heirs turn down an inheritance or no beneficiary can be found, the inheritance falls to the state by law. It takes over everything: buildings, cars or household effects - and above all has work to do.