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euro-scene Leipzig Festival combines artistic forms of expression with socio-political issues

Schauspiel Leipzig is one of the euro-scene venues. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Schauspiel Leipzig is one of the euro-scene venues. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The conflict in the Middle East and the Russian war of aggression: the dance and theater festival euro-scene Leipzig focuses on socio-political issues.

The Leipzig dance and theater festival euro-scene aims to combine first-class artistic forms of expression with current socio-political issues. A focus will be placed on the Near and Middle East, the organizers announced. "euro-scene Leipzig is a celebration of dance and theater in all its diversity, beauty and contemporaneity," said festival director Christian Watty at the presentation of the program

The festival is taking place for the 34th time. From November 5 to 10, 38 events are planned at various locations in Leipzig, including productions from Belarus, Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine. Among other things, a world premiere and three German premieres have been announced.

With four plays by artists from Iran, Palestine and Lebanon, the program focuses on the Near and Middle East. "On the one hand, the four plays tell of societies where artistic freedom is at least restricted and artists are often under observation or even persecuted as hostile to the state," explained Watty. On the other hand, dance and theater become an expression of protest against abuse of power, arbitrariness, violence, war and chaos.

Plays about human vulnerability and strength

Three other plays tell of human vulnerability and strength and thus also make a manifesto for freedom, democracy and human rights. In Marta Górnicka's production "Mothers a Song for Wartime" on November 7, 21 Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish women will confront the violence and destruction of the Russian war of aggression with their powerful choral theater on the main stage at Schauspiel Leipzig. According to the organizers, tickets go on sale this Saturday (28 September).

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