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Kaiser ratings rise: Great success for MDR television

Roland Kaiser at the "Kaisermania" concert in Dresden (here on July 26, 2024). All shows were and are sold out / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Roland Kaiser at the "Kaisermania" concert in Dresden (here on July 26, 2024). All shows were and are sold out / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Roland Kaiser once again turned the banks of the Elbe in Dresden into the "Kaisermania" show stage four times in front of the baroque silhouette of the old town. TV viewers all over Germany were interested.

Kaiserwetter, Kaisermania, Kaiserquoten: This year's broadcast of the last of the four "Kaisermania" concerts on the banks of the Elbe in Dresden once again brought MDR television good ratings. On average, 1.24 million people across Germany watched Roland Kaiser (72) sing on Saturday from 8.15 pm - despite strong competition on television, such as the ratings-generating Olympic broadcasts.

Kaiser brought MDR "an average market share of 6.2 percent over the hours", reported the industry service "DWDL.de" on Sunday. "Kaisermania" also achieved clearly above-average results among 14 to 49-year-olds. A market share of 3.3 percent was generated here."

In 2023, the "Kaisermania" broadcast reached almost 1.8 million viewers - at that time, SWR television also broadcast in parallel. This time, only MDR was on again. In 2022, an average of around 1.8 million people also watched on MDR television.

What describes the viewing figures?

On Saturday, MDR showed even more of the popular singer after the live show from Dresden: "Die 30 schönsten Hits von Roland Kaiser". This also brought the station good ratings.

The audience share describes the percentage of people who tuned in to a program, measured against the total number of people watching television at that time. Lower reach in absolute numbers (millions of viewers) can mean higher ratings nowadays than in the past because, for example, fewer people are choosing to watch linear television in the evening.

For 20 years, Roland Kaiser ("Santa Maria", "Joana", "Dich zu lieben", "Warum hast Du nicht Nein gesagt?") has been turning the banks of the Elbe in front of Dresden's famous baroque backdrop into a pop party zone with his music every summer. Tickets for the concerts are very popular: the total of 50,000 tickets were sold out "within five minutes", the organizers announced in 2024.

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