Saxon Departure Center opens in Dresden in June
In future, rejected asylum seekers will no longer be distributed to the municipalities in the Free State, but will be housed centrally until they leave the country.
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In future, rejected asylum seekers will no longer be distributed to the municipalities in the Free State, but will be housed centrally until they leave the country.
There is a legal entitlement to educational leave in 14 federal states - only Bavaria and Saxony are still missing. The Saxon state parliament is now dealing with a popular motion on the subject.
With every pension increase, more pensioners slip into tax liability. The BSW wants to prevent this and is calling on the Saxon government to support initiatives at federal level.
Some are calling for a clear commitment to e-cars, while others do not want to write off the combustion engine. There are differing views in the state parliament about the prospects for the industry.
The visitor record of the pre-corona year 2019 has thus almost been broken. There was also a significant increase in turnover in 2024. In 2025, "Schlösserland" once again promises highlights for visitors.
An agreed budget has yet to be put to the test. However, Saxony's minority government believes it is on the right track.
Out of the classroom and into the movies - without any truancy. The "School Cinema Weeks" are starting in Saxony. This turns the cinema into a special place of learning with thought-provoking stories.
The current hour in the Saxon state parliament is reserved for urgent issues. The March plenary session of parliament is no exception to this rule.
The majority in the Saxon state parliament deems a member of parliament unacceptable to head a parliamentary committee. It has now been decided to vote him out of office.
The Saxon minority government is dependent on votes from the opposition to gain a majority. For the first time, the Left Party has the opportunity to get its own projects through the state parliament.
Children as speed enforcement officers - the "Blitz for Kids" campaign starts again. Primary school children hand out yellow and green cards to speeding drivers and urge them to be careful.
Until now, Italy has not been regarded as a paragon of an efficient construction industry. But now Saxony in particular has a massive problem with dilapidated bridges and is looking south with respect.
Saxony's minority government is planning a Saxony Fund. Among other things, it is intended to absorb the special fund adopted by the federal government and stand for a long-term investment strategy.
In future, it will be exciting to see who votes with whom on which motions and laws in the Saxon state parliament. With six parties and one non-attached MP, there are no longer any clear dividing lines.
The hotel and catering industry is currently having less difficulty finding trainees than it did a few years ago. Nevertheless, it wants to continue advertising its jobs.
Until now, Saxony has supported local authorities in the demolition of permanently vacant residential buildings that can no longer be renovated. In view of empty coffers, this is now a thing of the past.
Ryanair is ending its flights from Leipzig and Dresden, with high location costs playing the main role. A comeback is unlikely for the time being.
Saxony has an acute shortage of teachers. The Ministry of Education therefore wants older teachers to work more. The AfD sees capacities lying idle, particularly in the administration.
Europe is in a global race for key technologies of the future. The semiconductor industry provides the basis for this with chips. The EU is now calling for a "Chips Act 2.0".
Artificial intelligence also poses challenges for data protection. The two are not mutually exclusive, says Saxony's data protection officer.
Artificial intelligence also poses challenges for data protection. The two are not mutually exclusive, says Saxony's data protection officer.
A three to four meter deep hole in the Elbe is delaying preparations for the demolition of the Carola Bridge. Additional measures are necessary.
Saxony has reached the age of savings. The Free State is cutting jobs for the first time since 2016. The investment ratio is also falling.
Timber construction is the trend for detached and semi-detached houses in Saxony. However, the rate for multi-storey buildings is stagnating.
According to the employers' association Sachsenmetall, the situation in the metal and electrical industry in the Free State of Saxony is coming to a head. The situation is being compared to the coronavirus pandemic and financial crisis.
Two further semiconductor plants are to be completed in the Saxon state capital over the next two years. This will create 3,000 jobs.
Honorary conductor Herbert Blomstedt had to cancel due to illness. He was replaced by his compatriot Joshua Weilerstein, who also made his debut with the Staatskapelle Dresden - with great success.
Should we leave the interest burden of high debts or a broken infrastructure to our grandchildren's generation? The question of a sustainable financial policy is heating up.
The German cup winners lived up to their role as favorites at the start of the quarter-finals. However, the third-placed team in the main round had to work hard for the win against Wiesbaden.
The new Stadtforum Dresden opens its doors at the end of March. Visitors can explore the modern administrative headquarters and experience how the city's employees will work here in the future.
Saxony's palaces, castles and gardens are waking up from their winter break. The historic sites are usually open again from the beginning of April.
The first nationwide Night of Libraries in Saxony has a packed program: from flea markets and workshops to concerts.
Various projects aim to improve cooperation in the Saxon-Czech border region. The EU is supporting these efforts with a lot of money.
Lake Bärwald will be easier to access for boaters: from April, individual permits will no longer be required. Clear rules apply - and protected zones.
Study in Spain, Italy or the USA: selected pupils can spend four weeks at a school abroad. Who can apply?
Both of Dresden's mountain railroads are listed buildings and require special care. After the spring inspection, the suspension railroad is now back in action.
Today, the Federal Council is deciding on the multi-billion euro financial package. Saxony's Infrastructure Minister Kraushaar is expecting tough negotiations on the distribution of funds.
Dresden uses the international break for an XXL test against Czech club Teplice. In the process, Dynamo turned around a clear deficit and recharged their batteries.
With its motion, the AfD wanted to call on the state government to reject the financial package in the Bundesrat. There was no majority for this.
Police officers have detected several speeding violations during a speed check in Dresden. One man was driving particularly fast.
Saxony's Minister President Kretschmer believes the special fund is the right thing to do. However, he also wants to solve other obstacles to growth. He has a clear message for Europeans on the war in Ukraine.
In November, Holger Scholze resigned as president of Dynamo Dresden due to disputes. Now he is the boss of a completely different club.
The Semperoper has never been able to complain about a lack of audience interest. But in the first two months of this year, capacity utilization climbed to around 99%.
If you want to ride the historic suspension railroad in Dresden, you can do so at the weekend. The funicular, on the other hand, still has to go to the workshop for the time being.
The construction of social housing in Saxony is on the decline. However, the problem of affordable housing in the state has not diminished.
Building is too expensive in Germany. Everyone agrees on this finding. Building type E is intended to lower high standards. However, there is still a lack of legal safeguards.
Lusatia wants to score points as the first climate-neutral model region. The application has now been submitted.
The new federal financial package will give Saxony more scope for investment - provided the Bundesrat agrees. The Greens are calling for the new opportunities to be used.
The people of Dresden love the Elbe meadows. No wonder that thousands of people volunteer to clean the meadows every year. Spring cleaning is also very popular in Leipzig.
Over 380 short films from all over the world are screened at the Dresden Film Festival. Despite budget cuts, the program remains diverse - from socio-political themes to gruesome late-night screenings.
The Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra will have a new chief conductor in the new season. With Sir Donald Runnicles, music from Great Britain will become a focal point.
Last year, the Dresden Boys' Choir sang in front of the Pope and was granted an audience with the Holy Father. The boys' choir has also attracted attention in the USA.
Saxony will have to make savings over the next few years - including in its own personnel. Rising wages in the public sector are also leading to higher costs. How should things continue?
The CDU/CSU, SPD and Greens want to amend the constitution to allow more debt for investments. The AfD parliamentary groups in Saxony want to prevent this.
Saxony's SPD leader Henning Homann calls for two East German ministers in the federal government - and criticizes the lack of East German representation in important working groups.
Last year, fruit growers had to cope with heavy crop losses due to frost damage. Even now, temperatures are below zero at night - but farmers are still relaxed.
During the coronavirus pandemic, a particularly large number of primary school pupils received a recommendation for grammar school. Now the numbers are leveling off again.
The search for explosive ordnance at the Carola Bridge reveals something surprising: in addition to bomb fragments and a hand grenade, workers also find an old teapot.
Dynamo are unbeaten in four games, but are unable to make the most of Saarbrücken's slip-up. Cottbus thus catches up with a lucky win.
Increased costs for energy and personnel: In Saxony, the number of dairy farms is decreasing. However, the number of animals remains almost the same. And these dairy cows always deliver.
Despite the all-clear, there should be no complacency. The risk of foot-and-mouth disease spreading in Germany is considered to have been averted. Nevertheless, there are calls for better prevention.
Chasers Saarbrücken had slipped up the day before. However, third division leaders Dynamo Dresden were unable to take full advantage of their 1-1 draw in Essen.
Increased costs for energy and personnel: In Saxony, the number of dairy farms is decreasing. However, the number of animals remains almost the same. And these dairy cows always deliver.
Increased costs for energy and personnel: In Saxony, the number of dairy farms is decreasing. However, the number of animals remains almost the same. And these dairy cows always deliver.
Can a coalition vote for or against something in the Bundesrat if it does not have a majority in the state parliament itself? This is the question facing a minority government, as is currently the case in Saxony.
Saxony's art collections have been working together with the National Museum of Korea for years. Until the beginning of August, art from over 2,000 years of the country's cultural history will be on display in Dresden.
Spring is coming, the flu is leaving. The health authorities are registering a significant decrease in influenza cases in Saxony. But the level is still comparatively high.
Working more instead of retiring earlier: Saxony's older teachers are to be given a reduced number of hours later in future. The trade union is outraged - and wants to take action against this.
Saxony is known as the land of inventors. Even with tight budgets, the Free State must now be "inventive". The Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development has clear ideas.
Travelers on the railroad line between Reichenbach and Bautzen in Saxony have to look for mobility alternatives for longer than expected.
There has been a shortage of doctors in Saxony for years. The total number of working doctors is growing, and the trend is towards employment rather than private practice.
In a training accident, Germany's best short-tracker slams her face into the blade of a team-mate. She is still going to the World Championships at the weekend.
Many chances, no goals. Dynamo Dresden drop two points at home. But the coach is not completely dissatisfied.
Dresden have chances for two games in the first half. However, they did not score a goal. Due to the results of the competition, however, a point also helps to extend the lead in the table.
Clear decision at TU Dresden: Ursula Staudinger remains Rector. The psychologist prevailed against her challenger in the first round of voting with a clear majority.
The joint police interception center of the East German states was supposed to be operational last year. But it is not getting off the ground. There are several reasons for this.
Saxony has entered the age of austerity. All policy areas are affected. Nevertheless, science and research should remain a priority.
There is a shortage of at least 1,400 full-time teachers in Saxony in order to cover lessons. The ministry is now proposing a package of measures. Among other things, older teachers are to teach more.
The Great Garden is Dresden's green lung. Some of the large avenues and paths are lined with ancient trees that are defying climate change - and are being cleared of natural deadwood.
In Saxony, young people can study medicine even without an A-level. In return, they commit to working as a rural doctor in the future. The number of applicants clearly exceeds the number of places on offer.
Is the CDU/CSU being led through the nose ring by the SPD? At least that is the impression of the conservative home party in the CDU in Saxony when looking at the exploratory plans in the federal government.
The ADAC's breakdown service was called out many thousands of times last year. One day in January saw a particularly high number of calls for help.
The federal states should benefit from the relaxation of the debt brake. But for this to succeed, some constitutional amendments would be required. Economic experts see problems.
Female smooth otter Diyala had been caring for four young animals at Dresden Zoo for six weeks. Now she has died.
Due to the infection of two people, the health authorities tested around 160 people in the vicinity of a daycare center in Dresden. Another case was discovered in the process.
Complaints from rejected asylum seekers are piling up at the administrative courts. The number of new cases is soaring. This has consequences for the length of proceedings and the justice system. Quick help is now needed.
This finding is not new. There is also a shortage of doctors in many places in Saxony. With the help of an expert report, politicians want to take countermeasures and prepare for future demand at an early stage.
This finding is not new. There is also a shortage of doctors in many places in Saxony. With the help of an expert report, politicians want to take countermeasures and prepare for future demand at an early stage.
The ADFC fears that there could be cuts in the construction of cycle paths and safety measures for cyclists in Saxony. A protest action is planned for Wednesday.
The number of anti-Semitic crimes in Saxony is falling, but remains at a high level according to an analysis by the Left Party. Leipzig is a hotspot.
Significantly more new soldiers have joined the Bundeswehr in Bavaria. However, despite an increase in recruitment, the force is shrinking.
Less than a week after their cup win in Mannheim, the Dresden SC women's volleyball team did not show any weaknesses on their return to league action. They completed their compulsory task against Aachen.
It is estimated that well over one million people worldwide die from tuberculosis every year. Yet the disease is preventable and curable. In Saxony, the number of cases has recently risen again.
Sometimes people are also tempted by the illegal import of products such as chocolate. One shipment from south-eastern Europe was stopped at the German-Czech border.
Every year on March 8, International Women's Day, women's rights are commemorated. Even in Germany, equality between men and women has not yet been fully achieved.
Following a parliamentary committee of inquiry, a commission of inquiry in Saxony will also look into the coronavirus pandemic.
The winter vacations have slowed down the flu epidemic in Saxony. Although the number of respiratory infections is falling slightly, it is still at a high level.
Every year on March 8, International Women's Day, women's rights are commemorated. Even in Germany, complete equality between men and women has still not been achieved.
Overall, slightly more female doctors work in clinics and practices than male doctors. However, there is still a major imbalance elsewhere.