Kretschmer for black-red 100-day immediate action program
The coalition negotiations between the CDU/CSU and SPD are entering the decisive phase. Saxony's Minister President is calling for rapid changes in view of the desolate economic situation.
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The coalition negotiations between the CDU/CSU and SPD are entering the decisive phase. Saxony's Minister President is calling for rapid changes in view of the desolate economic situation.
Conrad Clemens, a CDU politician from Saxony, was driving his car far too fast one day in 2023. The story haunts him to this day. Now he even has a court date coming up.
In future, rejected asylum seekers will no longer be distributed to the municipalities in the Free State, but will be housed centrally until they leave the country.
There is a legal entitlement to educational leave in 14 federal states - only Bavaria and Saxony are still missing. The Saxon state parliament is now dealing with a popular motion on the subject.
The meetings of the East German heads of government are a tradition and will continue to be held 35 years after the fall of the Wall. The aim is to represent East German interests.
With every pension increase, more pensioners slip into tax liability. The BSW wants to prevent this and is calling on the Saxon government to support initiatives at federal level.
Some are calling for a clear commitment to e-cars, while others do not want to write off the combustion engine. There are differing views in the state parliament about the prospects for the industry.
An agreed budget has yet to be put to the test. However, Saxony's minority government believes it is on the right track.
Rising costs for social spending, personnel and local public transport are putting Saxony's districts in distress. County councillors in Zwickau are now warning of an "unmanageable situation".
The eastern German states are difficult terrain for the Greens. Now the party's federal executive board wants to go on the offensive.
The current hour in the Saxon state parliament is reserved for urgent issues. The March plenary session of parliament is no exception to this rule.
The majority in the Saxon state parliament deems a member of parliament unacceptable to head a parliamentary committee. It has now been decided to vote him out of office.
The Saxon minority government is dependent on votes from the opposition to gain a majority. For the first time, the Left Party has the opportunity to get its own projects through the state parliament.
Until now, Italy has not been regarded as a paragon of an efficient construction industry. But now Saxony in particular has a massive problem with dilapidated bridges and is looking south with respect.
Saxony's minority government is planning a Saxony Fund. Among other things, it is intended to absorb the special fund adopted by the federal government and stand for a long-term investment strategy.
Rising population, growing pressure: Leipzig receives a direct loan from the Council of Europe Bank for the first time. Among other things, the loan will be used to expand schools and accommodation for those in need.
Saxony will have to make savings in the coming years. There is often talk of a "list of cruelties". Environmentalists see the danger that nature and climate protection will also suffer as a result.
In future, it will be exciting to see who votes with whom on which motions and laws in the Saxon state parliament. With six parties and one non-attached MP, there are no longer any clear dividing lines.
Until now, Saxony has supported local authorities in the demolition of permanently vacant residential buildings that can no longer be renovated. In view of empty coffers, this is now a thing of the past.
Parliament has elected its new leadership. It looks very different from the previous legislature. The Green Party's Paula Piechotta sees an imbalance.
Zwickau has caused a stir nationwide with a ban on advertising for the German Armed Forces. However, the municipal supervisory authority has now overturned the city council's decision. These are the reasons.
Artificial intelligence also poses challenges for data protection. The two are not mutually exclusive, says Saxony's data protection officer.
Artificial intelligence also poses challenges for data protection. The two are not mutually exclusive, says Saxony's data protection officer.
A three to four meter deep hole in the Elbe is delaying preparations for the demolition of the Carola Bridge. Additional measures are necessary.
Saxony has reached the age of savings. The Free State is cutting jobs for the first time since 2016. The investment ratio is also falling.
Marion Franz did not quite manage to achieve the necessary absolute majority in the mayoral election. The people of Heidenau will now be asked to vote a second time.
The AfD performed particularly well in the eastern German states in the federal elections. For Left Party politician Dietmar Bartsch, this results in a clear demand.
The new Stadtforum Dresden opens its doors at the end of March. Visitors can explore the modern administrative headquarters and experience how the city's employees will work here in the future.
Various projects aim to improve cooperation in the Saxon-Czech border region. The EU is supporting these efforts with a lot of money.