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Masterful watches exhibited in Zittau

An exhibition about special clocks can be seen in the Zittau Municipal Museums. (Archive image) / Photo: picture alliance / dpa
An exhibition about special clocks can be seen in the Zittau Municipal Museums. (Archive image) / Photo: picture alliance / dpa

Today, the time can be easily read on any phone. In the past, however, clocks were expensive rarities. Some craftsmen achieved great mastery - as can soon be seen in Zittau.

An exhibition opening this Friday in Zittau brings together examples of refined craftsmanship from the 18th century. The special exhibition entitled "Ahead of its time" (until August 17, 2025) is dedicated to the town's former council clockmaker, Johann Gottfried Prasse (1725-1799).

According to the municipal museums, 13 clocks from the workshop of the inventive master will be on display, including a table clock with a digital display. "We didn't know how it worked," said museum director Peter Knüvener. The mystery could only be deciphered after a detailed examination in the Mathematical-Physical Salon of the Dresden State Art Collections.

The so-called night light clock from 1766 has no hands at all. It is largely preserved in its original state, only the pendulum is missing. An ingenious mechanism ensured that two metal discs with even and odd numbers moved like an hour hand. The museum decided against restarting the clockwork. Original parts would have had to be replaced.

Tower clock from 1792 is still in service

"Prasse came up with crazy things and was extremely innovative," says the museum director. For the Zittau monastery church, for example, the master craftsman made a horizontal clockwork - which was not the norm at the time. This makes it possible to replace individual wheels without having to take everything apart.

The tower clock from 1792 is still working reliably. Restored in 1955, it is recognized as a technical monument and is the only one of its kind still in existence in Germany. Visitors cannot view the extraordinary clockwork on site, as guided tours are not possible in the narrow stairwell of the church tower. Instead, photos and construction drawings with precise descriptions are used to visualize the construction and functionality.

On the occasion of Prasse's 300th birthday, the wide range of his work will be illustrated. The "Mechanikus" also designed tools and machines, such as mangles and spinning wheels.

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