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New Caspar David Friedrich rose christened in Dresden

View of the anniversary exhibition on Caspar David Friedrich / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
View of the anniversary exhibition on Caspar David Friedrich / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Dresden celebrates Caspar David Friedrich. The famous Romantic artist lived in the city for a good 40 years, began painting there - and is receiving a very special gift for his 250th birthday.

On the 250th anniversary of his birth, a new rose variety will be named after the master of German Romanticism, Caspar David Friedrich, in Dresden. The naming ceremony will take place at Dresden's birthday celebrations this Thursday on Neumarkt square. She is already "very excited" about the Caspar David Friedrich rose, which is intended to embody the great Romantic painter's devotion to the beauty of nature, said Culture Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU), who is also the godmother, according to a press release. The rose was specially bred for the anniversary.

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