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Matthias Reim does not see artificial intelligence as a substitute for the artistic creative process

Singer Matthias Reim performs at the Schützenplatz in Wunstorf. The concert is part of his 2023/2024 live tour. / Photo: Michael Matthey/dpa
Singer Matthias Reim performs at the Schützenplatz in Wunstorf. The concert is part of his 2023/2024 live tour. / Photo: Michael Matthey/dpa

Singer Matthias Reim does not believe that AI can replace the artistic creative process. However, he sees it as a useful tool in the music business.

Singer Matthias Reim does not see artificial intelligence (AI) as a substitute for the artistic creative process. "But I assume that AI will also play a greater role in the music business in the future," the 66-year-old told the German Press Agency in Dresden. However, he is not afraid that it will one day replace the musician. "It can't really tell a story. An AI has no emotionality. There is no such thing as artificial emotionality." Nevertheless, it could be useful as a tool. However, misuse cannot be ruled out in the music business either. "We won't be able to defend ourselves against piracy."

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