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Museum returns porcelain vases from the Kangxi era to the heirs of Ottmar Edwin Strauss

"Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste" can be read on a sign. / Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa
"Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste" can be read on a sign. / Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa

The Museum of the City of Glauchau returns three porcelain vases from the Kangxi era from its collection to the heirs of the Jewish industrialist Ottmar Edwin Strauss.

The Museum of the City of Glauchau is returning three Kangxi-era porcelain vases from its collection to the heirs of Ottmar Edwin Strauss (1878-1941), a Jewish industrialist who once lived in Cologne. In a project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation (Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste), they were identified beyond doubt as art and cultural assets seized as a result of Nazi persecution, the city announced. The ceremonial return is planned for May 28 in the ballroom of Hinterglauchau Castle.

The Asian vases reportedly come from the collection of Dresden physician and patron Paul Geipel. He had once bequeathed a considerable part of his collection to the town of Glauchau - more than 14,000 objects. In the project, the provenance of more than 300 pieces was researched - from porcelain to prints and books to historical weapons and bronzes.

The vases that are now being returned were once part of the art collection of Augustus the Strong, but were sold by the State Porcelain Collection in Dresden in 1919/1920. In 1931, they had demonstrably belonged to Strauss' collection. He finally sold them because he needed money for his escape from Nazi Germany and the necessary Reich flight tax. They then came into Geipel's possession via an auction house.

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