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Representatives of the Saxon State Parliament commemorated November 9 as a day steeped in history (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Parties set different accents on November 9

November 9 is a special day in German history. It stands for the pogroms against Jews in 1938 as well as for the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, so it will always be a day of remembrance.

The head of the figure of St. George on the altar of St. Mary's Church in Rötha - where the state-wide opening of this year's Monument Day will take place. (Archive image) / Photo: picture alliance / dpa

Around 800 properties in Saxony open on Monument Day

Saxony is a state rich in monuments. Billions are invested in the preservation and maintenance of its unique heritage, including by the state. Hundreds of objects are opened to the public every year - even those that are otherwise closed.

Klaus Heckemann is criticized for an article on human genetics (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Criticism of human genetics editorial

The head of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony has commented on human genetics in a foreword and spoken of "eugenics". This has been met with criticism. There are calls for consequences.

Artist Markus Draper stands in front of the former KGB villa, now the Rudolf Steiner House in Dresden / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archiv

Artist Draper: Putin installation purchased for Albertinum

The Albertinum in Dresden has acquired a new addition to its collection in the form of an installation by artist Markus Draper. The work "House near a large forest" was acquired for the museum by a couple living in Berlin, Draper told the German Press Agency. The starting point is the city villa in ..

A sign at the Furth im Wald - Ceska Kubice border crossing / Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa

Bridge builders wanted for German-Czech border region

Those who want to spend a year building bridges in the German-Czech border region can apply to take part in a funding program until 7 April. The "A Year at the Border" project of the German-Czech Future Fund is already entering its third round, the organizers announced in Prague on Monday. They are ..

Passers-by walk past the Old Town Hall in Leipzig's city center. The historic building has been home to the City History Museum since 1909 / Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB

Exhibition on upheaval and liquidation in the 90s

The Leipzig City History Museum will dedicate one of its major special exhibitions this year to the period of upheaval in the 1990s. The show "Between Awakening and Liquidation" will focus on the new possibilities of freedom as well as the great disappointments and the unexpected decline of the city ..

Wolf Biermann, poet and singer-songwriter, performs in the Audimax of the University of Koblenz-Landau / Photo: Thomas Frey/dpa

Biermann releases album with cover versions

The singer-songwriter and GDR dissident Wolf Biermann (87) has invited numerous artists to record an album with cover versions of his songs. "Wolf Biermann Re:imagined - Lieder für jetzt!" is due to be released on November 15 to mark Biermann's 88th birthday.The first song, "Ermutigung" in a version ..

Steam rises from the cooling towers of the Jänschwalde lignite-fired power plant operated by Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG). / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa

Evidence of the lignite industry in Saxony recorded

In the course of a federally funded project, archaeologists and monument conservators have comprehensively recorded thousands of remnants of the lignite industry in the Lusatian and Central German coalfields. The documentation now provides a comprehensive inventory for Saxony, as announced by the St ..

View of the St. Mariental monastery in Ostritz / Photo: Pawel Sosnowski/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Saxony purchases library from St. Marienthal monastery

The St. Marienthal Psalter is considered the most important work from the library of the monastery of the same name and dates back to the first quarter of the 13th century. Now the bibliophile holdings from St. Marienthal have a new owner.

The industrial estate of the former Rositz tar processing plant / Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa

No decision on environmental damage caused by former GDR companies

A funding dispute between the federal government and the states of Saxony and Thuringia regarding the costs of cleaning up environmental damage caused by former GDR state-owned companies remains unresolved at the Federal Constitutional Court. The highest German court rejected applications by the two ..

Construction fences surround the site of the future Freedom and Unity Monument on the Schloßfreiheit at the Humboldt Forum. / Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa/Archive image

Unity Monument at risk: 2.5 million euros in additional funding

The completion of the Freedom and Unity Monument in Berlin is at risk without additional federal funding, according to the general contractor. According to information from Friday, the Stuttgart office of Milla & Partner has asked the Federal Institute for Building and Regional Planning, which i ..

A GDR emblem can be seen in front of the windowless "Honecker Lounge" of Kino International on Karl-Marx-Allee. / Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa

Kino International turns 60

It was the most important premiere cinema in the GDR: the Kino International in Berlin looks back on an eventful history. Now the building is celebrating its 60th anniversary - and is about to undergo a major refurbishment.

Numerous passers-by walk through Grimmaische Strasse in the city center / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Plea for democracy: Saxony celebrates Germany's unity

On the occasion of German Unity Day, politicians in the Saxon state parliament made pleas for democracy in memory of the Peaceful Revolution of 1989. At the ceremony in Dresden, Parliament President Matthias Rößler warned against fundamentally questioning the free and democratic constitutional state ..