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New Natural History Museum in Leipzig: construction begins on major underground project

Construction of the new Natural History Museum has begun. (Photo: Illustration) / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Construction of the new Natural History Museum has begun. (Photo: Illustration) / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

From bowling alley to natural history museum - construction work has begun on the new museum location in Leipzig. Four years and a lot of money are planned for the conversion.

Construction of the new Natural History Museum has begun in Leipzig. Construction costs are estimated at just under 100 million euros, as announced by the city. Most of the museum will be located underground in the former Bowlingtreff sports facility. It will cover an area of around 8,200 square meters. Construction is expected to take around four years. The natural history museum is scheduled to open in 2029.

Currently, the construction is expected to cost 95.6 million euros. According to the city, this sum includes a buffer for possible increases in construction costs. The Free State of Saxony is funding 95 percent of the museum construction.

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