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Dresdner SC signs Latvian international Marta Levinska

Fans with the Dresden SC flag / Photo: Sandy Dinkelacker/Eibner-Pressefoto/dpa
Fans with the Dresden SC flag / Photo: Sandy Dinkelacker/Eibner-Pressefoto/dpa

Volleyball Bundesliga club Dresdner SC has signed Marta Levinska from Turkey. The left-hander signs a one-year contract.

Bundesliga volleyball club Dresdner SC has announced another new signing. Latvian international Marta Levinska is moving to the Elbe from Turkish first division club PTT SC Ankara and signing a one-year contract.

"Marta was a very dominant diagonal attacker in college. I was convinced of her abilities right from the start and I'm sure she has great development potential," explained DSC coach Alexander Waibl.

The 22-year-old began her career in her native Riga, then gained experience in the Arizona State University team in the USA from 2020. The left-hander was named Latvian Volleyball Player of the Year in 2021 and was the top scorer in the Baltic League in the 2019/20 season.

Levinska is the sixth new signing after the two Slovenian internationals Evá Zatkovic and Lorena Lorber Fijok, DSC returnee Patricia Nestler and Swiss international Julie Lengweiler.

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