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Dresden volleyball players sign Emma Clothier

Fans with the Dresden SC flag / Photo: Sandy Dinkelacker/Eibner-Pressefoto/dpa
Fans with the Dresden SC flag / Photo: Sandy Dinkelacker/Eibner-Pressefoto/dpa

The Dresdner SC squad is taking shape. The six-time champions have now brought in a middle blocker from the USA.

Bundesliga volleyball club Dresdner SC has signed US middle blocker Emma Clothier. The 23-year-old from first division club Pinkin de Corozal (Puerto Rico) has signed a one-year contract with the club. She comes from Corollton, Texas, and played for the Florida State University team until December 2023. Both in the USA and in Puerto Rico, she has won several awards for best middle blocker and best server. "Emma is an athletic, dynamic middle blocker. She can attack in front of and behind the setter, so she can be used variably," said DSC coach Alexander Waibl.

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