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Europa League Final 2027 in Frankfurt am Main

The stadium in Frankfurt has been awarded the contract to host the Europa League final in 2027. / Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa
The stadium in Frankfurt has been awarded the contract to host the Europa League final in 2027. / Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa

The 2027 Europa League final will be held in Frankfurt am Main, while Leipzig will host the 2026 Conference League final.

The final of the Europa League in 2027 will take place in Frankfurt am Main. This was announced by the European Football Union UEFA in Dublin on Wednesday. This will be the third time that a Europa League final has been held in a German stadium after the inaugural season in 2009/2010 with the final in Hamburg and 2020 in Cologne.

In addition to Frankfurt, Leipzig can also look forward to a European Cup final. The Conference League final will be held there in 2026.

Stuttgart, on the other hand, which had hoped to host the women's Champions League final in 2026 or 2027, was left empty-handed. As two other German cities, Frankfurt and Leipzig, are already hosting a final in both years, Stuttgart could not be considered, UEFA announced.

The men's Champions League final will be held in the Hungarian capital Budapest in 2026. Milan is planned for 2027. However, a decision has yet to be made pending the redevelopment plans for the San Siro Stadium.

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