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Fan zone in Leipzig open for the time being despite the threat of thunderstorms

The fan festival will be open on all 31 days of the tournament. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
The fan festival will be open on all 31 days of the tournament. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Despite the threat of thunderstorms, the fan zone in Leipzig remains open for the time being, consultations planned for the afternoon.

Despite the threat of thunderstorms, the fan zone in Leipzig will remain open for the time being. This is the result of a consultation between the city, the police and the fire department, said a spokeswoman for the fan zone on Leipzig's Augustusplatz on Tuesday. However, there will be another consultation later in the afternoon. The match between Portugal and the Czech Republic kicks off in Leipzig this evening (21:00). Several tens of thousands of people had recently gathered in the fan zone in the city center.

The German Weather Service warns of severe thunderstorms with hail and heavy squalls for Saxony in the early evening. "However, it is still unclear exactly when the storm will reach Saxony and whether it will also hit Leipzig," said meteorologist Jens Oehmichen on request. In Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen, public fan and public viewing areas were closed on Tuesday due to possible storms.

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