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Lorena Fijok strengthens Dresden volleyball players

Volleyball, Women: Bundesliga, Dresdner SC - SSC Palmberg Schwerin, main round, matchday 10, in the Margon Arena / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image
Volleyball, Women: Bundesliga, Dresdner SC - SSC Palmberg Schwerin, main round, matchday 10, in the Margon Arena / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image

The Dresdner SC volleyball players have announced another new signing. As the six-time German champions announced on Tuesday, Slovenian international Lorena Lorber Fijok has joined the team. The 21-year-old moves to the Elbe from Greek first division club AO Thiras and signs a one-year contract.

"Lorena is an extremely athletic outside attacker with impressive jumping power. She is a passionate fighter who brings a lot of mentality and willpower to the team. Although she is not the biggest player on the court physically, she has an outstanding attacking technique that makes her a dangerous attacker. We are convinced that she will be a very important player for our team," said coach Alexander Waibl.

Lorena Lorber Fijok enjoyed her training at the established Slovenian first division club Nova KBM Banik Maribor before moving to Greece last summer.

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