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RB Leipzig women start the new Bundesliga season

Leipzig's team before the game / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Leipzig's team before the game / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The RB Leipzig women's soccer team will begin training for the new Bundesliga season on July 6. Test matches and training camps lie ahead.

The RB Leipzig women's soccer team will kick off the new Bundesliga season on July 6 with the start of training. This was announced by RB on Friday. Prior to this, the team under new head coach Jonas Stephan will undergo performance tests and medical examinations from July 1 to 3. The first test match is then scheduled for July 13 (3 p.m.) against Wroclaw at the Stadion am Bad in Markranstädt. The second pre-season match is scheduled for July 19 (3 p.m.), also in Markranstädt, against Pogon Szczecin, before a training camp three days later in Markt Rieden, Bavaria. A test against FC Bergheim is planned there on July 24. The kick-off time is still open. Before the Bundesliga kick-off on August 30, there will then be a test match at Sparta Prague on August 10 (13:00).

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