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Midfielder Marco Schikora moves to SV Sandhausen

Midfielder Marco Schikora moves from FC Erzgebirge Aue to league rivals SV Sandhausen / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
Midfielder Marco Schikora moves from FC Erzgebirge Aue to league rivals SV Sandhausen / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

The 29-year-old midfielder Marco Schikora is leaving FC Erzgebirge Aue to join league rivals SV Sandhausen.

Midfielder Marco Schikora is moving from FC Erzgebirge Aue to league rivals SV Sandhausen. The 29-year-old midfielder had previously rejected an offer from FCE to extend his contract, Aue announced. Sandhausen's sporting director Matthias Imhof sees the new signing as "exactly the type of player we missed last season", according to the statement from the club from Baden-Württemberg. Schikora started 38 games for Aue last season. He has played in the Erzgebirge since 2022.

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