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Sponsors' evening brings record donations for VC Olympia Dresden

Team VC Olympia Dresden with board member Thomas Kettmann (top right), picture: Thomas Wolf
Team VC Olympia Dresden with board member Thomas Kettmann (top right), picture: Thomas Wolf

The Dresden women's volleyball team and the VC Olympia Dresden (VCO) youth squad held a joint sponsors' evening at the Küchenzentrum Dresden yesterday evening. Numerous businesswomen, entrepreneurs, politicians and committed supporters were on hand to show their solidarity with local volleyball and provide financial support for the junior squad.

The aim of the evening was to arouse emotions and collect donations to continue supporting the VCO's successful work with young talent. The VCO Dresden serves as a talent factory for young female volleyball players and is closely linked to the DSC. Many of the VCO's talented players progress to professional sport after their training, with many players making the leap to the national team.

One of the evening's highlights was the auction of a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia donated by Diamir Erlebnisreisen worth 12,000 euros. The impressive sum of 52,390 euros was raised through further donations in cash and in kind as well as the proceeds from raffle ticket sales.

The politicians Barbara Klepsch (CDU, MdL) and Jan Donhauser (CDU), Mayor for Education, Youth and Sport, were informed by the board members Hubert Körner (DSC) and Thomas Kettmann (VCO) that the roof of the Margon Arena is still leaking and urgently needs a solution.

The sponsors' evening underlined the close cooperation between the VCO and the DSC. The VCO Dresden trains the next generation of players for the DSC's Bundesliga team and makes a significant contribution to the long-term future of volleyball in Saxony and Germany.

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