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European citizens' initiative for wealth tax #TaxTheRich

Wealth tax to combat social inequality and finance climate protection in the EU / AI generated with FLUX.1
Wealth tax to combat social inequality and finance climate protection in the EU / AI generated with FLUX.1

European Citizens' Initiative calls for a wealth tax to finance climate protection and social justice in Europe. Support until 9.10.2024!

The European Union is facing challenges, both in terms of climate change and social inequalities. Against this backdrop, a group of committed citizens from several countries have launched the European Citizens' Initiative for the Introduction of a Wealth Tax. This initiative aims to achieve a fairer distribution of wealth and at the same time finance the necessary ecological and social transformation in Europe. The initiative is campaigning for the introduction of a wealth tax at European level and is collecting a total of 1,000,000 signatures by October 9, 2024 to advance its proposal.

Support the initiative "Introducing a wealth tax to finance ecological and social change"

Background of the European Citizens' Initiative

The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) is a democratic instrument of the European Union that allows citizens to call on the European Commission to propose legislation. The aim of the current ECI is the introduction of a wealth tax in Europe, which is to be used to finance ecological and social projects. The initiative calls for fair taxation of wealth and assets in order to generate funds to help tackle the most pressing problems of our time - climate change and growing social inequality.

Further information is also available at: www.tax-the-rich.eu

Wealth tax objectives to finance change

The proposed wealth tax has several key objectives:

  1. Funding the green transition: the climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today. A wealth tax could free up significant funds to invest in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, clean transportation and the preservation of biodiversity.
  2. Combating social inequality: Europe is characterized by growing social inequalities. According to a study by Oxfam, the richest 10% of the EU population own more than half of the total net wealth. A progressive wealth tax could help to reduce this inequality by making the richest population groups contribute more to financing the common good.
  3. Promoting financial justice: The tax would ensure that everyone contributes to tackling the challenges according to their financial means. This would strengthen financial justice in the European Union and promote solidarity between member states.

The importance of a wealth tax for ecological and social change

A wealth tax could be an essential building block for financing the necessary change. According to a study by the World Inequality Lab, a moderate wealth tax of just 1% on assets over 1 million euros could raise more than 100 billion euros annually. These funds could be used in a targeted manner to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy and strengthen resilience to environmental crises.

Recent research shows that appropriate taxation of wealth is not only socially just, but can also have positive economic effects. A study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) points out that wealth taxes, if designed correctly, can lead to a reduction in income inequality and increase the growth potential of an economy. This is particularly true in an environment where public investment in clean technologies and social infrastructure is urgently needed.

Relevant statistics on wealth distribution in Europe

  • The richest 1% of EU citizens own almost 27% of total net wealth, while the bottom 50% own only around 4% (source: World Inequality Database).
  • Studies estimate that a wealth tax of 1% on assets of 1 million euros or more and 2% on assets of 50 million euros or more could generate between 80 and 100 billion euros annually.

These funds could be used specifically to invest in environmental and social projects that contribute to achieving EU climate targets and promoting equal opportunities.

Benefits of a wealth tax: economic, social and environmental

The introduction of a wealth tax in Europe offers numerous benefits:

  1. Economic benefits: Taxing wealth can contribute to a fairer economic system and reduce inequalities. This leads to a more stable economy and more sustainable growth in the long term.
  2. Social benefits: A fairer distribution of wealth strengthens social cohesion and promotes trust in democratic institutions. Poverty and social exclusion could be reduced by funding social programs.
  3. Environmental benefits: The revenue from the wealth tax could be specifically invested in projects that help reduce CO2 emissions, such as the expansion of renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure.

Current support and opportunities for participation

The European Citizens' Initiative has already received broad support from civil society organizations, political movements and prominent individuals. To be successful, the initiative needs at least one million signatures from different EU Member States. Every EU citizen aged 18 and over (16 in Austria) can support this initiative and send a strong signal for financial justice and ecological change.

The collection of signatures will run until October 9, 2024. Interested parties can find out more and express their support on the initiative's official website.

Take action now!

Conclusion: The introduction of a wealth tax at European level is not only a question of financial justice, but also a necessary step towards tackling the urgent social and environmental challenges of our time. Through targeted investment in sustainable projects and social infrastructure, a wealth tax could make a significant contribution to promoting justice and creating a green, sustainable future. Now is the time to take action and support this initiative.