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Artist presents artwork "The Golden Spheres" in Dresden

A man takes a photo of the "Golden Sphere" by artist Castello after its unveiling on the Neumark / Photo: Matthias Rietschel/dpa
A man takes a photo of the "Golden Sphere" by artist Castello after its unveiling on the Neumark / Photo: Matthias Rietschel/dpa

Artist Niclas Castello has presented his new artwork "The Golden Spheres" in Dresden. It reportedly consists of 1000 equally sized spheres made of pure 24-karat fine gold.

Artist Niclas Castello has presented his new artwork "The Golden Spheres" in Dresden. It reportedly consists of 1000 equally sized spheres made of pure 24-karat fine gold. They have a diameter of about 4.6 centimeters each. "I felt the need to give something back to people with this project," the 45-year-old said Thursday in front of the Frauenkirche. He said he wanted to "give society a symbol with this work of art, for the beauty, but also the fragility of our earth."

Accordingly, interested parties can now apply for the valuable spheres, which reportedly weigh exactly one kilogram each. All the spheres together would have a market value of 275 million U.S. dollars, it says on the website about the project. Three of the spheres are expected to help unlock more than 600,000 euros in funds to support arts and cultural projects in Saxony in the optimal case.

Castello was born in 1978 in Neuhaus am Rennweg, Thuringia. He was married to Dutch TV presenter Sylvie Meis from 2020 to 2023. In 2022, Castello was awarded the European Culture Prize Taurus.

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