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Chemnitz plans Capital of Culture Marathon for 2025

View of the New Town Hall in Chemnitz. It is to be the start and finish point of the Capital of Culture Marathon in 2025. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
View of the New Town Hall in Chemnitz. It is to be the start and finish point of the Capital of Culture Marathon in 2025. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

As European Capital of Culture 2025, Chemnitz wants to combine sport and culture with a marathon, with music along the route and various distances planned for the runners.

As European Capital of Culture 2025, Chemnitz wants to combine sport and culture with a marathon run. To this end, the running route will become the longest stage in the world and music will be played every 1000 meters or so, as the organizers announced on Thursday. Beethoven's 9th Symphony, for example, will be played, and choirs, bands and DJs will also play music.

Different distances are planned for the athletes, with the start and finish at City Hall. The Capital of Culture Marathon is planned for May 18, 2025 and registrations are reportedly now open.

In the Capital of Culture year, Chemnitz also wants to celebrate sports culture. The European Peace Ride (EPR) is a cross-border cycling race for amateur athletes. It is reminiscent of the former International Peace Ride.

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