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Saxon Library Award 2024 announced

Books on shelves in the central library of the municipal libraries in the Kulturpalast / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
Books on shelves in the central library of the municipal libraries in the Kulturpalast / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

The Free State of Saxony and the State Library Association award the Saxon Library Prize, endowed with 10,000 euros.

The Free State and the State Library Association are once again awarding the Saxon Library Prize this year. The Ministry of Culture in Dresden announced on Monday that public and scientific institutions of this type can apply online for the award, which is endowed with 10,000 euros. It recognizes innovative work, the promotion of language, reading and media skills, regional commitment and new forms of user and audience retention after the pandemic. The prize has been awarded jointly by the ministry and the association since 2013 and is traditionally presented around the Day of Libraries (October 24).

The more than 450 libraries across the state do "indispensable and diverse work for our community every day", said Culture Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU). The prize offers a stage for successful concepts and recognizes special commitment. Innovative library work with a high level of acceptance, effective public relations work and successful cooperation as well as concepts that strengthen libraries as places for encounters, cultural education and reading promotion are in demand, added Aline Fiedler from the Library Association.

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