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Arvato Systems meets Dresden's tech startups: a look back at an eventful day

f.l. Jens Krüger (Dresden Economic Development), Dirk Hilbert (Mayor of Dresden), Matthias Möller (CEO Arvato Systems), Klaus Fetzer (GF Health / Public Arvato Systems), Jan Pratzka (City of Dresden) - Photo: Thomas Wolf
f.l. Jens Krüger (Dresden Economic Development), Dirk Hilbert (Mayor of Dresden), Matthias Möller (CEO Arvato Systems), Klaus Fetzer (GF Health / Public Arvato Systems), Jan Pratzka (City of Dresden) - Photo: Thomas Wolf

A retrospective look at the exclusive startup event in Dresden, where Arvato Systems met 25 innovative tech startups.

On October 16, 2023, a remarkable meeting between the established IT service provider Arvato Systems and 25 selected startups took place in the Kulturwirtschaft at Kraftwerk Mitte in Dresden. Organized by the Dresden Economic Development Agency, the event served as a bridge between established companies and up-and-coming innovators in the technology sector.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the evening event. Here, the startups each had three minutes to present themselves and their business ideas. A short, yet meaningful opportunity for young entrepreneurs to share the visions and concepts of their innovative projects.

Arvato Systems, a company actively involved in funded projects and supported by Bertelsmann Investments, looked forward to this event with great enthusiasm. The exchange with the startups was an opportunity for Arvato Systems to discover new ideas and business concepts that have the potential to shape the technology industry. Klaus Fetzer, managing director for the health and public sectors at Arvato Systems, emphasized the importance of the innovative power of startups and the key role they play in shaping the digital future.

This day was not only an exploration of the promising developments in Dresden's tech startup landscape, but also a demonstration of the collaborative partnerships needed to drive digital transformation. Steffen Rietzschel, Head of the Office of Economic Development, highlighted how Dresden, with its excellent universities, research institutes and innovation clusters, is a leading high-tech location in Europe, offering ideal conditions for investment and growth.

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