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Warning strike at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden airports: passengers must expect restrictions

Employees of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG walk through Leipzig/Halle Airport during a warning strike / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Employees of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG walk through Leipzig/Halle Airport during a warning strike / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Passengers at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports must expect considerable restrictions due to another warning strike.

Passengers at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports can expect considerable restrictions due to another warning strike on Friday. The two airports announced on Thursday that the strike by aviation security staff could have an impact. Passengers should check the current flight status with their airline before traveling.

On Wednesday, the trade union Verdi had called for warning strikes by aviation security employees working in passenger control, personnel and goods control, cargo control and service areas.

Lufthansa asked passengers who want to start their journey from the respective airports on Friday not to come to the respective airport. Accordingly, the security checkpoints to the transit area will be closed. This means that access to the gates in the departure area will not be possible. Passengers who are unable to reach their flight due to the strike will be rebooked.

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