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Lottery player from Görlitz wins 4.7 million euros in the lottery

A player fills out a lottery ticket / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa
A player fills out a lottery ticket / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa

A lottery player from the district of Görlitz wins 4,697,022 euros with 6 correct numbers plus a super number.

A lottery player from the district of Görlitz is the winner of 4,697,022 euros. With 6 correct numbers plus a super number from Saturday's draw, he was the only person in Germany to hit the jackpot, as Sachsenlotto announced on Monday. At the moment, however, the winner is still unknown as he had submitted his lottery ticket without a customer card. "This is the sixth Sachsenlotto million prize in the still young year - as many as we were able to congratulate in the whole of last year. It can go on like this," says Frank Schwarz, Managing Director of Sachsenlotto-GmbH.

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