Tie vote - Görlitz district still without a budget
The budgets of Saxony's local authorities have long been in the red. Rising costs in the social sector are a particular burden - the district of Görlitz also sees the Free State as having a duty.
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The budgets of Saxony's local authorities have long been in the red. Rising costs in the social sector are a particular burden - the district of Görlitz also sees the Free State as having a duty.
Robin Hood is to ride between the rocks in Jonsdorf in eastern Saxony this summer. Volunteers are still needed for the production to accompany him - or chase him.
A play in a movie has the potential to be a confusing play. The reactions to it are very different. The Görlitz team of investigators is actually supposed to solve a murder.
Görlitz becomes a location for the armaments industry. The history of rail vehicle production ends after 175 years. In future, armored parts will be manufactured here.
Researchers identify a painting with a Nazi connection in the Silesian Museum in Görlitz. It is returned to the heirs of the Jewish owner - who are supporting efforts to ensure that it remains there.
Cultural institutions are in financial difficulties. The theater in the district of Görlitz wanted to organize money in an unusual way. The idea is not yet completely off the table.
Every year, a wave of Christmas travelers rolls towards Poland, often causing long traffic jams on the A4. This time, the problem is exacerbated by a tunnel construction site.
Lawyer Florian Oest wants to represent the Görlitz constituency in the Bundestag. He is calling for a new political start - for Germany and for the region.
In the last Bundestag election, AfD leader Tino Chrupalla clearly won his constituency of Görlitz. He has now been re-elected as a direct candidate.
Anyone who receives the Görlitz Bridge Prize should be particularly committed to the idea of a peaceful Europe. The latest award winner is committed to protecting the civilian population.
Following the wave of resignations from the Green Youth, the youth organization in Saxony is also making a fresh start. The association is sharpening its profile with a key motion.
The recipient of the Görlitz Bridge Prize should have a special connection to the idea of a peaceful, liberal and holistic Europe through their personal fate and commitment.
Police officers have caught several speeders during a speed check. One driver was driving almost 100 kilometers per hour too fast.
Despite border controls, people try to enter Germany irregularly. They are often dependent on people smugglers. The Federal Police repeatedly pull smugglers out of circulation.
The train manufacturer Alstom's plant in eastern Saxony will close in around a year and a half. However, other locations are also affected by the French company's plans.
Allianz Arena or Playmobil Stadium - this type of sponsorship has long been the norm in sport. A theater in eastern Saxony is now taking this form of advertising as a model.
A woman just wants to take a closer look at the flooding in Görlitz, slips on the edge of the water and floats hundreds of meters into the water. But she has a stroke of luck.
The districts in Saxony need to save money. In the district elections in June, the AfD was ahead in all ten districts of the Free State. Now it is putting forward proposals that are similar.
Görlitz is a sought-after filming location for national and international productions. The city even confidently calls itself "Görliwood". Training for film and television is now also provided there.
In Upper Lusatia, art can be experienced on wheels. A bus takes people to special places.
The Cottbus-Weißwasser-Görlitz section is to be upgraded to double track and electrified to enable faster trains.
Police have discovered a bayonet ready to hand in a car on the Polish border. Polish border guards and German federal police officers checked the car on the highway 4 in Görlitz on Tuesday, according to the federal police in Ludwigsdorf. They found the weapon in a compartment on the driver's door, t ..
Swiss conductor Brogli-Sacher takes over the direction of the New Lusatian Philharmonic Orchestra in Görlitz from Ewa Strusińska.
New teacher training course at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences to counteract teacher shortage in Upper Lusatia from winter semester 2025/26
Cruise ship in front of the Kaisertrutz: Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater shows "Anything Goes"; Deutsch-Sorbisches Volkstheater plays "Spuk unterm Riesenrad".
The KunstBus Oberlausitz is going on tour again. On August 10 and 11, regular buses will travel to six art locations in the region every hour, as announced by the Foundation for Art and Culture in Upper Lusatia on Friday. The combination of different art locations with activities to experience, lear ..
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer attend a play in Görlitz. Topic: populist politician.
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater in Görlitz and Fit GmbH in Zittau. Together with Prime Minister Kretschmer, he sees the play "The Exemplary Life of Samuel W.".
A lottery player from the district of Görlitz wins 4,697,022 euros with 6 correct numbers plus a super number.
Time and again, the Saxon government meets outside of Dresden for cabinet meetings. Now it is the district of Görlitz's turn.
As part of the coal phase-out, the federal government is making money available to help the affected mining areas with structural change.
The 21st Neisse Film Festival shows female perspectives and opens with the film "Elbow". Over 90 films will be shown at 20 venues.
This year, the 21st Neisse Film Festival is characterized by female perspectives. The focus series "Female Perspectives" also includes the opening film "Elbow", which portrays a young woman, as festival spokesperson Michael Lippold announced on Monday. Between May 14 and 19, around 90 feature films, ..
The Saxon government meets in Zittau to discuss the district of Görlitz. An exchange with clubs and associations takes place in advance.
Since 2020, children who go to kindergarten or school must be immune to measles. However, not all parents vaccinate their children, as a recent outbreak has shown. They face fines.
Complete closure of the railroad line between Bischofswerda and Görlitz due to unmanned signal box
The Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater in Görlitz is looking for a successor to General Music Director Ewa Strusinska. Decision in mid-May.
Numerous reactions to a post online about an alleged attack on a German in Bautzen trigger an investigation. Surprising facts emerge in the course of the investigation.
The Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater is preparing to renovate its main building in Görlitz after it was badly damaged by water a year ago. An alternative venue is currently being prepared.
A suspicious object in a driver's glove compartment has temporarily paralyzed the Görlitz-Ludwigsdorf border crossing.
One million commuters in Saxony work primarily in Leipzig, Dresden and Chemnitz. There are also attractive workplaces in Görlitz, Plauen and Schkeuditz.
The Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz is staging a production on the big stage for the first time after devastating water damage: the baroque opera 'Saul' by George Frideric Handel.
The federal police have caught three smugglers of refugees red-handed in the district of Görlitz. The two men from Ukraine and an Uzbek were deported to Poland and banned from entering the country for four years, the Ludwigsdorf federal police station announced Monday. A 29-year-old Ukrainian and th ..
Federal police pulled a Serbian camper out of circulation on Thursday at the Altstadtbrücke bridge in Görlitz. The driver, a 46-year-old Serb, wanted to bring nine people illegally to Germany in the camper, according to the Ludwigsdorf federal police station.He was temporarily detained, he is suspec ..
A drunk driver hit a pedestrian in Waldhufen in the district of Görlitz. The 32-year-old had been standing on the side of the road. He fell and injured himself, as the police announced on Sunday. The driver had previously rammed another car when parking. Witnesses called the police. The officers cau ..
Saxony's head of government, Kretschmer, travels to the Conference of Minister Presidents in Frankfurt am Main with a demand for a stricter refugee policy. Among other things, he is calling for payment cards for asylum seekers.
How Saxony and Görlitz benefit from EU funding. What risks a possible withdrawal would entail for the region.
It was a shock when the Görlitz Theater was flooded last fall. The play schedule was thrown into disarray. With an emergency variant, the return to the big stage is now possible.
Federal police have apprehended 99 fugitives in the Görlitz area within 24 hours and arrested three smugglers. On Monday morning, a 33-year-old man had fled from the officers in a van, as the Federal Police announced on Tuesday. When the vehicle finally stopped on a forest road, the officials discov ..
Görlitz (dpa/sn) The federal police have picked up 49 refugees in the Görlitz area within 24 hours and arrested two smugglers from Ukraine. The two men, aged 28 and 32, had brought a total of seven refugees from Syria on the highway 4 from Poland to Germany in two cars on Friday night, the Ludwigsdo ..
Die Gruenen propose Saxony as location for new Deutsche Bahn ICE maintenance plant.
The city of Görlitz has submitted an application for federal funding for the climate adaptation of Wilhelmsplatz. The project is part of the federal program "Adaptation of urban spaces to climate change", which promotes innovative measures for climate adaptation in cities. Specifically, the project ..
Lake Berzdorf in the Lusatian Lakeland near Görlitz is ready for shipping. The Saxony State Directorate announced that the Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (LMBV) has withdrawn its objections to the general order on the use of the water body. Only for nature conservat ..