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Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz brings out baroque opera 'Saul' after water damage

Water dryers stand on the stage of the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater after the first cleanup operations / Photo: Paul Glaser/dpa/Archivbild
Water dryers stand on the stage of the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater after the first cleanup operations / Photo: Paul Glaser/dpa/Archivbild

The Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz is staging a production on the big stage for the first time after devastating water damage: the baroque opera 'Saul' by George Frideric Handel.

For the first time after the devastating water damage, the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz is once again staging a production on the big stage. This Saturday, the baroque opera "Saul" by George Frideric Handel will have its premiere there. Almost to the day exactly one year ago a fire alarm had released for unexplained cause the spray flood system, so that thousands of liters of water flooded the venue within a few minutes.

According to theater information, a play operation with restrictions is possible again on the meanwhile provisionally strengthened stage. A change of different Repertoirestücken is excluded until further notice, because for safety reasons no scenery and props on the stage may be stored. So there will be a block of several performances of "Saul" this month before the Nov. 30 premiere of the Christmas concert, which is very popular with audiences.

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