The district of Görlitz remains without a valid budget. According to a statement from the district administration, the 2025/2026 double budget did not receive a majority in the debate. "This is bitter news", said District Administrator Stephan Meyer (CDU). "New measures cannot be implemented." This applies to necessary investments in roads, schools and rescue stations, further support for youth work, culture and sport or the volunteer fire departments.
Biggest problem social costs
According to Meyer, the main problem, as in previous years, is the constant cost increases in the social sector, which the district has neither caused nor influenced, let alone been able to compensate for on its own. "From today's perspective, it is not possible to draw up a legal budget for 2025/2026 on our own," he said. "Even if we fully implement all of the savings proposals drawn up by the external expert, a balanced budget by 2028 is nowhere near achievable."
The district is expecting a deficit of 59.3 million euros for 2025 and 86.6 million euros for 2026. Meyer therefore reminded the state that, according to the Saxon constitution, it must ensure that local authorities can fulfill their tasks. "We need clear support from the Free State if we want to keep our district capable of acting," he appealed. Meyer will convene a special meeting on March 24 with the aim of jointly finding a viable majority for the district budget.
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