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In 2024, the state inherited less often, but the income from so-called fiscal inheritances in Saxony increased. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Jens Büttner/zb/dpa

More income from inheritances for the country

If heirs turn down an inheritance or no beneficiary can be found, the inheritance falls to the state by law. It takes over everything: buildings, cars or household effects - and above all has work to do.

Resistance to planned cuts to Dresden's cultural institutions. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Dresden culture petition against massive cuts

Dresden also has to make savings. The list of cuts presented to the city council also includes massive cuts in the cultural sector. Alongside understanding for the budget situation, there is resistance.

Cabinet confirms regulations on provisional budgeting and management (illustration) / Photo: Monika Skolimowska/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Cabinet confirms provisional budget management

In a difficult financial situation, the Free State of Bavaria is entering the new year without a new double budget due to the ongoing formation of a government in the wake of the state elections. However, it is still possible to pay for things that cannot be postponed.

According to tax estimates, Saxony will have to make do with significantly less money. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Silas Stein/dpa

Tax estimate: further loss of revenue for Saxony

The tax estimate is an indicator of revenue development. In view of the economic situation, it was already clear in May that the Free State would have to make do with less money - the situation is different for the municipalities.

A sign reading "Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism" is displayed at the entrance to the ministry building in the government district / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Budget freeze to have little impact

The budget freeze imposed by the Saxon Ministry of Finance should have as little impact as possible on science and research. The consequences cannot yet be quantified in concrete terms, said ministry spokesperson Falk Lange on Monday when asked. "However, there are also large areas that are not affe ..

Thomas Hennig (CDU), District Administrator of the Vogtland district, speaks at a press conference / Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa

Vogtland district council insists on solution

In the face of a dramatic financial imbalance, Saxony's rural districts are calling for a swift solution to the problem. "Even if we were to reduce voluntary expenditure completely to zero, we would no longer be able to balance the deficit. This would kill off the district," said Vogtland District A ..

Bert Wendsche, President of the Saxon Association of Towns and Municipalities, takes part in a press conference / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Vogtland district council rejects addendum

The municipalities and districts in Saxony are running out of money. High social benefits in particular are putting a strain on their coffers. This is why the focus is on the federal government and the state of Saxony.

A road sign with the inscription "Landesrechnungshof" is located at a traffic circle / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

Saxony State Court of Audit presents annual report

The Saxon State Court of Audit will present the first volume of this year's annual report on Thursday (11.00 a.m.) in Dresden. Among other things, it deals with the budget situation of the Free State and the construction of school buildings. The authority's experts have also scrutinized the Saxon st ..

A window at a school is open for ventilation / Photo: Christoph Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild/Symbolic image

60 schools to benefit from the Startchancen program soon

From the coming school year, 30 elementary school and 30 secondary schools in Saxony are to benefit from the so-called Startchancenprogramm. "The federal and state government's Starting Opportunities Program is intended to give children and young people better educational opportunities regardless of ..

A window at a school is open for ventilation / Photo: Christoph Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild/Symbolic image

60 schools to benefit from the Startchancen program soon

From the coming school year, 30 elementary school and 30 secondary schools in Saxony are to benefit from the so-called Startchancenprogramm. "The federal and state government's Starting Opportunities Program is intended to give children and young people better educational opportunities regardless of ..

Claudia Roth (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister of State for Culture and the Media, gives an interview. ) / Photo: Hannes P Albert/dpa/Archivbild

Roth promotes cultural passport at European level

The so-called Culture Pass is intended to encourage young people to take part in cultural activities. Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth has been positive about the project so far. And is already planning to expand it.

Thomas Hennig (CDU), District Administrator of the Vogtland district, speaks at a press conference at the Bad Reiboldsgrün Forestry Training Center / Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa

Vogtland district imposes budget freeze due to social spending

The Vogtland district has issued a temporary budget freeze due to rising social spending. This mainly affects voluntary services in culture and sport, the district office announced on Tuesday. According to initial estimates, the deficit in the social sector will amount to more than 22 million euros ..

A sign reading "Asylum" hangs on a wall in the state reception center for asylum seekers (LEA) / Photo: Uli Deck/dpa/Archivbild

State capital Dresden expects higher asylum expenditure

The city of Dresden is expecting additional expenditure of around 82 million euros in the coming year as a result of increased refugee numbers. However, the state capital does not have to bear this sum alone, as it will also receive transfers from the state of Saxony. Up to 46.8 million euros will b ..

View of the plenary chamber during a session of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

Debate on the debt brake: calls for reform

The SPD, Green and Left parties have called for a reform of the debt brake at federal and state level. "The current debt brakes are clearly outdated", said SPD parliamentary group leader Dirk Panter in the state parliament on Wednesday. In their current form, they would become a brake on investment, ..

Barbara Klepsch, Saxony's Minister of Culture, speaks at the state party conference of the CDU Saxony in Chemnitz / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Government wants to secure cultural offerings in Saxony

Saxony's government wants to secure cultural offerings in the Free State with additional money. Ten municipal theaters and orchestras have agreed with State Minister of Culture Barbara Klepsch (CDU) on funding totalling 4.6 million euros for 2023 and 2024, the Ministry of Culture announced in Dresde ..

Euro banknotes lying on a table / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Illustration

Almost 70 million euros from inheritances and donations

Saxony received 69.9 million euros from inheritances and gifts last year. A total of 620 million euros was left behind in more than 2,300 inheritance cases, as announced by the State Statistical Office in Kamenz on Thursday. Around a third (35 percent) was accounted for by bank deposits, 28 percent ..

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, speaks / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Kretschmer: Federal-Länder agreement only a first step

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has criticized the results of the federal-state negotiations on migration as disappointing. Many points had been watered down by the federal government, the CDU politician said in Dresden on Tuesday. Nevertheless, the final decision was important as a f ..