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Theater Görlitz-Zittau offers naming rights to sponsors

What is already common practice in soccer stadiums and concert halls is now also being planned for theaters / Photo: Paul Glaser/dpa
What is already common practice in soccer stadiums and concert halls is now also being planned for theaters / Photo: Paul Glaser/dpa

Allianz Arena or Playmobil Stadium - this type of sponsorship has long been the norm in sport. A theater in eastern Saxony is now taking this form of advertising as a model.

The Theater Görlitz-Zittau, which is named after Nobel Prize winner Gerhart Hauptmann, is offering the naming rights for the venue for sale. Companies and private individuals can purchase them for this season for the time being. "We are breaking completely new ground in the field of cultural sponsorship," said Artistic Director Daniel Morgenroth. While it has long been common practice in sport for corporations to acquire the naming rights to arenas, for example, the East Saxon stage is, as far as he knows, a pioneer in the cultural sector.

Intendant sees great advertising potential

Morgenroth sees great advertising potential in view of the 150,000 spectators a year in two large theaters. And with print and online, the theater reaches half a million people a year in the region. "There are already interested parties." The price would depend on the bids. He pointed out that more people in Germany go to the theater every year than to the soccer stadium and that they are emotionally moved and open to new impulses.

The team came up with the idea while working on the topic of capital, which is dominating the current season. "We thought about what we could do and said we would auction off the naming rights," said the artistic director. However, the artistic aspects are still determined by the theater itself, "the repertoire is beyond our control".

Gerhart Hauptmann must make room on the house wall

The decision is to be made in the coming weeks. The naming rights to the houses will be sold as well as the naming on the homepage, in print products, on posters and on social media platforms - initially for one season. The company's own logo can also be displayed on the walls of the two theater buildings. In return, the Gerhart Hauptmann name will be abandoned. If the innovation is convincing, "it could become a successful model for many theaters across Germany", said Morgenroth.

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