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Carola Bridge partial collapse burdens Dresden's austerity measures

View of the collapsed part of the Carola Bridge and the town hall tower behind it. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
View of the collapsed part of the Carola Bridge and the town hall tower behind it. (Archive photo) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The financially strained situation due to high costs and falling allocations is forcing Dresden to cut costs. The administration is even looking at prominent projects - also because of the Carola Bridge.

The partial collapse of the Carola Bridge almost two weeks ago is exacerbating the budget planning of the Saxon state capital. In view of the tense situation, the administration is proposing to put prominent projects under the microscope during the consultations on the 2025/2026 double budget. According to the draft by Lord Mayor Dirk Hilbert (FDP), who is also responsible for the finances, these include the revival of the TV tower from the GDR era, the renovation of the Robotron canteen as an art venue and the Federal Garden Show. So far, these are only considerations and if they are, then it is a matter of postponement, as a city hall spokeswoman emphasized. And the budget will be decided by the city council and presented there in November.

If the funding for these projects could be reallocated and used for the restoration of the Carola Bridge, "we would have around 40 million euros with our own funds and funding as well as the money for the renovation to perhaps kick-start the planning and think about a new building," said the city hall spokesperson. The administration currently estimates the total costs for this at between 100 and 120 million euros. So far, 8.1 million euros have been budgeted for the Elbe crossing in 2025/2026 - still for the renovation of the destroyed strand C.

Postponement of the three projects will not save the budget

The city has to make savings in the face of constantly rising personnel and energy costs, insufficient compensation from the federal and state governments for social benefits and asylum costs as well as falling tax revenues and key allocations. "The three projects alone will not help to save our budget, we are over 100 million euros in the red," said the city spokesperson. Only considerable savings would make it possible to balance the budget and continue to invest heavily in schools and roads.

One of the three traffic lines of the Carola Bridge, one of the most important Elbe crossings with a federal highway in the state capital, collapsed on the night of September 11 for reasons that are still unknown. In a race against time, emergency crews from the fire department and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), supported by the German Armed Forces and special equipment, removed the remains of the destroyed bridge section on the Neustadt side that were in danger of collapsing by the following Sunday - just in time for the flood.

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