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Three million from sponsors for the Free State's activities

A sign reading "Saxon State Ministry of Finance" is displayed at the entrance to the building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
A sign reading "Saxon State Ministry of Finance" is displayed at the entrance to the building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The Free State of Saxony also uses sponsorship. However, its share of the overall budget is negligible.

The Free State of Bavaria is also making increasing use of sponsors for events, projects and activities. In the past two years, sponsorship payments to the state administration amounted to around three million euros, according to the ninth sponsorship report published by the Ministry of Finance on Friday. Cultural sponsorship accounted for the lion's share with more than two million euros, with the Saxon State Chancellery receiving a total of 45 services with a total value of 413,250 euros.

Thanks to private sponsors and companies, projects could be realized that would otherwise hardly be possible, it said. In return, the sponsor is given the opportunity to present itself. However, this type of income only amounted to around 0.0065 percent of the total budget for 2022 and 2023 between January 2010 and December 2011.

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