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AfD and FW want a commission of inquiry into municipal financing

AfD and Freie Wähler want to set up a commission of inquiry into municipal finances. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
AfD and Freie Wähler want to set up a commission of inquiry into municipal finances. (Archive image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony's municipalities are financially strapped. According to the AfD and the Free Voters, an expert commission is now to present proposals for new municipal financing.

AfD and Freie Wähler in the Saxon state parliament want to draw on external expertise to solve municipal financial problems. They are therefore proposing a commission of inquiry. It is to begin its work in April and present a final report two years later, said AfD parliamentarian Thomas Thumm. The parliamentary groups are to propose experts for this. Due to the strength of its parliamentary group, the AfD can set up such a commission on its own.

AfD sees local authorities barely able to act due to lack of money

According to AfD parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban, local authorities are barely able to act. There is a huge financial gap. They are taking the emergency as an opportunity to approach the problem with experts and prepare a fundamental tax reform, which should lead to a fairer distribution of tax revenue between the federal, state and local authorities. So far, local authorities in Germany have only received one seventh of tax revenue - far too little given the burden of tasks.

Municipal budget shortfall of more than one billion euros

Urban put the budget shortfall at municipal level at more than one billion euros. The districts are underfunded by 270 million, the municipalities by 225 million and the independent cities by 520 million. "So there is a huge financial gap on the municipal side, which once again underlines the urgency that something needs to change here." The AfD also sees potential for savings in state authorities and, above all, in bureaucracy.

AfD wants to solve the problem across party lines

According to Thumm, the topic of municipal finances should be dealt with far away from party politics and "firewall rhetoric". Eight out of ten districts are de facto bankrupt. Decisions should be made by local elected representatives. According to Free Voter parliamentarian Matthias Berger, the plight of local authorities has been criminally neglected in the past. Berger wants to contribute his many years of experience as mayor of Grimma to the work.

The Enquete Commission is to be entitled "A Saxony worth living in - through viable municipal budgets and strengthening local decision-makers".

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