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Railroad line between Bischofswerda and Görlitz closed during the nights

A Trilex train of the Länderbahn runs to Görlitz / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
A Trilex train of the Länderbahn runs to Görlitz / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Complete closure of the railroad line between Bischofswerda and Görlitz due to unmanned signal box

The railroad line between Bischofswerda and Görlitz is completely closed during the nights of Thursday and Friday due to an unmanned signal box. This was announced by the Länderbahn on Wednesday. Accordingly, no trains will run on the line until Thursday at 6.30 am and from Thursday evening at 8.30 pm until Friday morning at 6.30 am. According to Länderbahn, the Trilex lines RB 60 and RE 1 are affected. The reason is an unmanned signal box in the late shifts, as reported by the infrastructure operator DB InfraGo. Passengers were asked to check their connections via the DB Navigator app before setting off.

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